Monday, November 12, 2012

During Hurricane Sandy when it started raining, the weather was not bad at all it was windy. After the first day of Sandy the weather became harsh. Trees began falling down, water began to rise and start floods. I lost my power during the storm for a week. Many people have lost there homes and lost relatives but i did not experience damages to my home and my family was safe.
After Sandy I have had no power and every store and gas station was shut down. It was very cold and no food, me and my family went to Delaware where there was power and was not affected by the storm as much. Me and my family did okay after the storm have occur. My mother still had to go to work in New York.A couple days after the hurricane my mother have called me from the city and she have said "I have ran out of gas looking for gas". Many of the gas stations was close and the ones that will be open will have a line that will go on for hours. My mom did not have enough time to find a shorter line at the gas station. My mother was stuck in New York. But have also have a house in NY and my mother was safe and had a place to stay for a couple days.
Hurricane Sandy taught us how to be there for each other, give out a helping hand and also learn how to deal with a tragedy. Many people have donated money and purchase food and water for the people that was affected from the storm and that have no way to survive and make it on there own. Long days with out help from the destruction and long cold dark nights. I could imagine how people can feel that will have to try and keep there families warms and with food on there plate without power. Hurricane Sandy was a major problem, but it have also brought us together and to help other when there in need of help.

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