Friday, November 23, 2012

Short Story is in First-person narrative !

Move To Los Angeles.

We really do love The Big Apple. We are packing today and moving by tommorow. I don't want to leave, I was born here. It's sad to leave this place. Me and my mother have huge plans for me in Los Angeles.  Before we get ready for the long 45 hour drive across the country, i take one last adventure around the city. I want to become a photographer when i get older. Photography is my passion. Im only 15 years old and i already have a career goal. While walking down 42nd street, i take numerous photos of the people and buildings around me to reminisce the city and how much i loved being here in New York.
"Novemeber 3, 2010"-
"Alex!" My mother called out me, "Its time to load the truck". It was moving day. My mother always said it was time to move on and find a better life.. but not in the city of New York. I was apathetic i never wanted to move to California. We had no choice to move my mom have lost her job. I looked over the boxes a final time and sighed heavily. My heart ached to leave the city. Getting in the car driving farther and farther away saying goodbye to the only place i thought was home. I had many problems on my mind that i know i would have to face once i get to California. Its hard for a introvert kid to make new friends in school. The drive was astonishing many sites to see and i made a album of all the states me and my mother stopped in. The different towns the farms the people. It was a whole new view.
"November 10, 2010"-
Finally arrived in California. Our new house was much bigger than where we use to live in New York and nice and peaceful. Completely opposite than being in a busy city. We have moved with my aunt Carole. For the past couple days i have stayed in my room and look threw all my photo albums. "Alex would you like to see photographers in action" my mother walked in the room. "Of course!" Immediately i jumped up and grabbed my jacket. My mother have took me down town to a school of photography. I really thought this was the best day of my life. All around me was cameras and lights, I was overwhelmed. My mother have let me stayed with the camera crew for a couple hours while she went out job hunting. Learning hands on was providential for me i did not know a lot about photography expect of what i have seen on the internet. I felt very fortunate i had the time of my life. After this day i knew Los Angeles was the place for me to learn and be the best at photographer i can be...

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