Monday, January 28, 2013


From the people that have died for wanting the life that i am experiencing today, i am taking advantage of because life is different compared to what Dr.King went through. "I may not get there with you, but i want you to know tonight that we as people will get to the promised land." What Dr. King was hoping for was equality and everyone to live a better future without chaos. If Dr.King walked into my class today, i think he would be satisfied of many things but also disappointed by many others. My school is a mixed school and i am taking advantage of the education i am receiving that young black students would not have been taught years ago.

Dr.King would be very proud that the United States have there first African American president. Obama is trying to give children a better look on education and tries to get every child the best to succeed in life. I am glad i have an African American in my generation. African Americans came a long way from not being eligible to vote to now being able to become a president. Obama is standing up for the black community and offering the best he can do to make everyone lives of American better.

Mixed School and the education system is still very similar to Dr.King time. There is all white schools but African American students can attend. In a white community there education system is better than an African American community. Usually some schools in the white community is ahead of other schools. The environment and also a different feeling. Dr.King would not be proud of that, mainly because the African American community made it this way. Our community is ignorant and inappropriate, its not all of the community but mainly the people that do not care give a bad reputation for all of African Americans. When one looks bad it makes the whole African American population.

This is important to remember where we come from and how far we came. Dr.King would be relieved on many African Americans because they are going forward in life and making a better future for themselves. Also for all the people that do not take advantage of the life where living they are going to be stuck in the past and be judged. We as people should always be equal and treated all the same. No time for ignorance and hatred.

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