Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Love is as painful as a
stab in the chest.
Love is as beautiful as a
mountain full of snow.
Love is as emotional as the
rain clouds in the sky
crying over whatever it has
on its mind.
Love is as joyous as a
baby's first laughter.
Love is as stressful as the
dreadful tax day.
Love can be as carefree as
a student starting summer vacation.
A simile is comparing things using the words 'like' or 'as'. Simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind.
Similes are important part of writing because you can use similes in order to make something "real" that is unreal.

Tone: The tone of this poem is explaining how love can be compared to human nature and also human acts.
Mood: The mood of this poem and the feeling of love, and the feeling it expresses.
Meaning: The meaning of this poem is to realise how love and make someone feel.

My dog is like a cheetah.When someone leaves the door open,
she springs out the door and runs down the street so fast, no one can catch her without a helicopter and a tranquilizer gun.

A Metaphor is an expression that is used to denote something, not to be taken literally but a figurative meaning. It is using symbols in place of reality. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action.

Tone: The tone of this poem is curious.
Mood: the mood of this poem is shocking about how my dog can run so fat
Meaning: The meaning of this poem is showing how fast my dog can disappear by a blink of an eye as soon as you open the door.

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