Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"National Free Shopping Day" (one free item per person)

My name is Tiffany and i would like to propose a new holiday called "National Free Shopping Day". This new holiday will help many people that would like to get an item that they can not afford or do not want to spend money on. The purpose of national free shopping day is to have everyone to have something that they always wanted for free. Having one day or getting free items will make people more likely to begin shopping at the store after and also make everyone aware of the new holiday. The date of holiday will be at 12:01 am to 8am on January 1st. I choose those times because many people is out celebrating the new years and also welcoming the New Year with one day of free shopping. Everyone will have a fresh start. People who would be in charge on what would be sold will be the managers.They will choice what they want to be sold for free to the customers so the store would not lose valuable merchandise and leave the store empty.

Helpers can be workers that was hired from the store and also volunteers. Volunteers can be from the same community and have many helping hands so National free shopping day will not be chaos like Black Friday. To be invited in the national free shopping day you will have to be a member of the store (similar to Bj's). Basically anyone can be invited as long as you sign up to become a member of the store. The national free shopping day will be located at selected stores. Some activities will involved games for children to get free items.

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