Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs.He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud, but still he climbed."
Its going to be a dangerous mission. One mistake, one slip can have him tumbling back down to the earth floor. Its been 5 days on the boat traveling to get to the mystery island. Elders say.. "Whom who gone to the island and went up the mountain, never came back".
Michael. The courageous young man. Michael have heard all the tales of the mystery mountain when her was a child. Always dreamed, one day going up there and coming back to the city and telling everyone his experience.
"Michael you must have lost your mind". Michael's girlfriend Christina shouted out to him. "Its always been my dream, i have to go and no one is going to stop me". Michael replied calmly. This conversation continuously appearing in his mind while leaving his home in North Alaska. Very cold but also very motivated, Michael keeps on climbing, not stopping until he reaches the top.

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