Friday, March 1, 2013

Glory Road Open Ended

When people generally react to those who are willing to step outside the box many other people find their actions unacceptable because many people do not think it is okay for them to let people do what they want in their own way. From the movie "Glory Road" Bobby Jo scene he mentions how he have a great love for basketball but no body do not want to see him play on any teams because of the color of his skin. What Bobby Jo means is he is judged by the color of his skin and African Americans can not play on the same team as white players because everyone think of African Americans differently. Its very important for Don Haskins to think differently because its unbelievable that a White coach would ever put all black players on a team. In the movie it explains how Don Haskins looking for many African American players to play for his team, he mentions "im not looking at the color i look at quick and skill". Don Haskins wanted to make a difference in the basketball world, he wanted people to know that African American should play with white players and their very good at the sport and to do not judge players by their skin. Don Haskins reminds me of how coaches act towards their players today, many coaches do not look for a certain skin color they only look for skills.

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