Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The narrative on TEWWG is taken place in West Florida and Eatonville, Florida in the early 1900s.

In the 1920s The Nineteenth Amendment gave the women the right to vote. 

Also the 18th Amendment, Prohibition of alcohol beverages in the United State, which made the production, transport and sale of alcohol illegal. It was a time where it was all about innovation as the United States moved to build cars as a quicker way of transportation and building smoother, hard roads to travel on and the invention of the radio and television giving people the ability to find out information and watch or listen to entertainment without even leaving there living rooms. The President of the time elected in 1913 serving his second term was Woodrow Wilson then Hoover until 1933.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Zora Neale Hurston

Hurston was the fifth of eight children. Her father was a preacher and mother was a school teacher. Hurston was born in Notasulga, Alabama on January 7, 1891. Her family also moved to Eatonville, Florida where were one of the first all black towns to be incorporated in the United States. Her father later became mayor of the town.
In 1918, Hurston began undergraduate studies at Howard University. She later became one of the earliest initiates of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and co-founded The Hilltop, the university's student newspaper. Hurston took many courses, Spanish, English, Greek and public speaking and earned an Associate's Degree in 1920. Hurston left Howard in 1924 and in 1925 was offered a scholarship to Barnard College. Hurston received her B.A. in anthropologyy in 1927.
When Hurston arrived in New York City in 1925. The mid-1930s, Hurston had published several short stories and the critically acclaimed Mules and Men. In the 1940s, Hurston's work was published in such periodicals as The American Mercury and The Saturday Evening Post. Also Her last published novel was Seraph on the Suwanee.

“Those that don't got it,
can't show it.
Those that got it,
can't hide it.”

What Zora mean by this quote is that if you have something its hard to show it off, but when you have it you cant hide it. Shes right because in any circumstance you can not show off what you do not have and when you do its impossible to hide it. This refers to my life and the life around me because everyone have something that they have that others don't and its hard to hide it from everyone, but when you have it, its to hard for anybody to hide it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


  • What was the Apartheid?
  • What is an Afrikaans?
  • Why was there racial strife in South Africa?
  • What was Nelson Mandela's personal history?  Where/when was he born?  What was his education?  
  • Why was Nelson Mandela put in prison?
  • What kind of prison was it? Where was it located?
  • What happened to his family while he was in prison?
  • How long was he in prison?
  • How did he become President of South Africa?
  • What were his goals as President of South Africa?  How did he accomplish these goals?

  • 1. Apartheid means separation between whites and blacks that live in South Africa from 1948 to the early 1994 it was made into international law but it was also a violation. Also when the law took place people were classified as whites, black/African or blacks of mixed cultured descent.  

    2. A language of southern African, derived from the form of Dutch brought to the Cape by Protestant settlers in the 17th century

    3. White people in South Africa did not want black people as ruler so they protested to be separated from the blacks and in later years the blacks held strikes because of inferior working conditions.

    4. Mandela was born on July 18 1918 (age 94) in Mvezo, South Africa 

    5. Nelson Mandela was arrested and jailed because he was accused of treason by the South African government.

    6. Nelson Mandela was first imprisoned in Howick, then transferred to Marshall Square prison. Mandela and his co-accused were transferred from Pretoria to the prison on Robben Island where he remained for the next eighteen of his twenty-seven years in prison. In March 1982 Mandela was transferred from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison.

    7. Mandela mother and son died and he was not allowed to attend their funeral. His wife and daughter did not want to have anything to do with him because he choose to stay in jail.

    8. Mandela spend 27 years in prison.

    9. After Mandela came out of prison. South Africa's first multi-racial elections began in which full enfranchisement was granted were held on April 27, 1994. The ANC won 62% of the votes in the election, and Mandela was the leader of the ANC, was inaugurated on May 10, 1994. and the country's first black President.

    10. His goals as President wanted peace between white people and black people and wanted everyone to be treated equally and come together as one nation. he accomplished his goals by focusing on what white people and black people have in common and bring them together by that (Rugby).

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Race and Racism

    what young people know and understand about race.  Is there a difference between how genders experience race and racism?

    Racism is very real for young people today. Young people know and understand about race and also do not know that every gender experience racism in different ways. This means that racism has had a major affect on everyones lives, even starting from birth as a young child. Whatever your color, gender, and cutural background is everyone experience racism in the world.

    Many adults try to hide racism from their children but the problem is, little kids already know about racism. In the film "A Girl Like Me" young children that were African Americans were given a test on which doll they would like to play with. More than half of all the children would rather play with a white doll than a black doll. These children thought white dolls were prettier and nicer, and the black doll were hideous and evil. Racism is not taught, it's something they learned from expirence.

    Decades many people have been discriminating against African American people and bring their self esteem down also. When someone thinks about African American people they see kinky hair, dark skin, ugly and bad. Truth is not all people with dark skin is evil. Trevon Martin was followed and killed for being African American and wearing a hoodie. Trevon was killed by a white man who thought Trevon was a threat to him. The police department did not react quickly to this because he was a "white man". If the story was the opposite and Trevon was white and the killer was black, the man would have done life in prison without hesitating.

    In conclusion, 

    Friday, March 1, 2013

    Glory Road Open Ended

    When people generally react to those who are willing to step outside the box many other people find their actions unacceptable because many people do not think it is okay for them to let people do what they want in their own way. From the movie "Glory Road" Bobby Jo scene he mentions how he have a great love for basketball but no body do not want to see him play on any teams because of the color of his skin. What Bobby Jo means is he is judged by the color of his skin and African Americans can not play on the same team as white players because everyone think of African Americans differently. Its very important for Don Haskins to think differently because its unbelievable that a White coach would ever put all black players on a team. In the movie it explains how Don Haskins looking for many African American players to play for his team, he mentions "im not looking at the color i look at quick and skill". Don Haskins wanted to make a difference in the basketball world, he wanted people to know that African American should play with white players and their very good at the sport and to do not judge players by their skin. Don Haskins reminds me of how coaches act towards their players today, many coaches do not look for a certain skin color they only look for skills.

    Monday, February 11, 2013

    Valentine was a holy priest from Rome. We celebrate his honor on February 14th every year in which day he have past. We celebrate his day because in his time there was a Roman king that wanted men to join the army and but all the men wanted was to marry and have families, so the king made it illegal to marry. Valentine believed the men should not be forced to not marry the ones they love so he would marry couples in secret until the king have found out and put Valentine in prison. He wrote his family and friends and ask for their prayers and not to forget their Valentines. The king have murdered Valentine on the day February 14th.

    By the graph i can say that around the times people have the most fun and excitement is around spring break and 2 weeks before Christmas.For people who have a hard time struggling family and relationships around this time people should take time to relax and think about there actions that will effect there loved ones.
    Spring break is a time for freedom and fun and many people do not want to be in a relationship around that time, to survive a spring break relationship you have to set time for your partner and cause less tension on the relationship.  
    People on Monday's are mostly moody and stubborn so that explains why many people would break up. To avoid a Monday break up try not to be so moody try going to sleep earlier and have a good attitude so you can not start off your day terrible. 
    April fools day is full of jokes and being rude, to prevent a April fools break up and you wanna play jokes on your partner try not to make the prank so harsh and mean.
    Many people also break up around Valentines Day so they would not have to spend a whole lot of money on presents so many people do not like to be in a relationship around that time of the year. If you wanna stay in a relationship around Valentines day you do not have to spend thousands of dollars try to do  something from the heart you do not have to spend money to make some one happy. Your presence should be good enough.
    Summer holidays are very calm and relaxing usually people do not break up around that time and if they do its usually the start of summer. In the summer relationships should be the time you and your partner should spend the most time with each other hang out everyday 

    Monday, January 28, 2013

    Figurative Language!

    Personification is giving an non-living thing or nature human characteristics.

    Monday is dull and boring. Monday is terrible no energy, no joy just like an old cat.

    Tuesday is more hyper than Monday. Tuesday is like an Middle aged man. Tuesday is not as dull like Monday.

    Wednesday is like a moody girl. Sometimes happy and calm and but also very stressful and aggravating.

    Thursday is the coolest you can ever meet. Very chilled like Friday but Thursday is a day of relaxation.

    Friday is the life of the party! Excited and happy and spoiled. Friday is like the youngest child in the family.

    Saturday! Everyone loves Saturday very fun and more energized then Friday. Saturday is the best you can be around, always can make you happy and stressfree

    Sunday, is like an old angry lady. No body likes Sunday because when Sunday comes you will have to get ready for Monday.